Sunglasses and Suncream: Save Your Sight Long-term

After a difficult winter, the promise of long, hot summer days ahead is a welcome relief. But in our rush to enjoy the good weather, it’s easy to forget about looking after our eyes. Sadly, three million people a year lose their sight due to UV exposure. While most of us are quick to slather bare skin with sunscreen, 56% of Brits are unaware that failing to wear sunglasses regularly increases their chances of developing eye conditions like cataracts and Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD). The good news is that there are many ways to stay safe and have fun in the sun.
Taank’s top summer eye care tips:
Check the UV rating before buying
Not all sunglasses are equal. Tinted lenses without UV protection trick the pupil into dilating and damage the retina more than having no protection at all. Fortunately, there’s no need to sacrifice style for safety. Rest assured, all of our sunglasses meet the British Standard requirements to shield your eyes from UVA and UVB light..
Get fitted
Be sure to buy your sunglasses from a reputable retailer, then get them fitted to ensure they block rays from as many sides as possible.
Be generous with sunscreen
Did you know that 10% of skin cancer occurs on the eyelids? Most of us are diligent about slapping on sunscreen in the summer, but all too many forget about the all-important delicate eye area. Tear-free formulations are a great way to avoid eye irritation.
Be extra cautious when abroad or hitting the slopes
The reflective surfaces of snow, sand, and the ocean can make the sun’s rays even more dazzling and dangerous. At worst, it can result in snow blindness, a temporary but painful loss of vision.
Don’t forget about overcast days
In the same way that your skin can burn on a cloudy day, your eyes are at risk even in overcast weather. Transition or lighter coloured lenses will keep you safe and seeing clearly.
Avoid tanning beds
We agree with most health experts who advise against using sunbeds, but if you do, be sure to use tanning goggles. The high UV levels can damage the internal and external structures of the eye and eyelids, leading to benign growths and cataracts. Closing your eyes isn’t enough.
Beach Life in Colour
Hawaii-born brand, Maui Jim, knows a thing or two about blocking glare and harmful UV rays. Dazzling conditions subdue colours, obscure details and cause eye fatigue. That’s why their sunglasses feature patented PolarizedPlus2® technology to eliminate 100% of UV rays and 99.9% of glare, delivering vibrant colour and enhanced clarity and detail. It’s why we love them.
Drop by and see our latest collection
With the season’s sunglasses now in stock, this is the perfect time to pop in and let us help you find the perfect pair/s to see you through summer and into autumn.
Want the skinny on this season’s passion for colour? Taank stylist Leanne picks her top frames for spring/summer 2021.