STAFF SPOTLIGHT: Meet Katheryn Simpson

A student of Anglia Ruskin University, trainee dispensing optician Katheryn Simpson is completing her training at Taank. In just six months, she’s settled in effortlessly–it feels as though she’s been part of the team forever. Ever helpful, with a keen eye for a great frame, Katheryn is calm and incredibly motivated. We sat down with her to discover what she enjoys most about her role and what she does to relax.
What inspires you most in your work?
Seeing people happy with their new glasses never gets old. I could do it all day, every day–which I do! People are always grateful for help and advice regarding styling because it gives them confidence that they’ve made the best choice. And when it comes to serving coffees, I’m getting to be a dab hand with my latte art!
What does a perfect day look like when you’re not at work?
My perfect day would start with a lie-in. I might take a walk along the river before going for lunch at a tearoom, and the evening would consist of getting cosy and watching a film.
Who would make your Last Supper guest list and why?
Emma Watson would make the cut because she’s inspiring and trying to make the world a better place. I love history, and Henry VIII has always fascinated me. He’d certainly be an entertaining guest! Jennifer Aniston would be in the mix, as would Matty Healy, the lead singer of my favourite band. I adore baking, so I’d have to invite Mary Berry–I could spend many happy hours chatting about her life. And finally, comedian James Acaster who’d provide the laughs.
Mantra to live by…
“Look for something positive each day (even if you have to look a little harder some days).”
Want more staff spotlights? Read A Day In the Life of Styling Pro Leanne Mearman